Seniors for Climate Mb.

“We know seniors are concerned about the environment and climate impact on the future. So, we’re organizing to do something about it,“ -Pat Wally, coordinator of Seniors for Climate Mb.
National Seniors for Climate day (October 1st) was marked in Winnipeg’s historical Forks Market by a Climate Expo. Bringing together over 20 organizations to help empower seniors with the skills and knowledge to act now to support the climate action movement. The day was a success with over 200 participants coming out to meander through tables of local organizers, listen to speakers, sing along to local musicians ( Wpg Raging Grannies, Sam Baardman, Micah Braun), write out pledges and personal testimonies, and pose in a group photo to show their public support.
The Seniors for Climate steering commitee sends out a gracious thank you to all the all who planned, organized, donated and participated to make this project possible. We can all be proud of our work to demand action on climate change!
Along with our children and grandchildren we face a climate emergency. We need faster and better climate action. Later is too late!

Check back in New Year for future events!
For more information or to get involved, contact:
Seniors for Climate MB, Pat Wally at
Please add “Seniors for Climate” to the private message box at the top of the donation form to so we know where to direct your funds
Seniors for Climate MB:
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Climate Actions from Seniors for Climate MB
Tangible things you can do to protect the planet